Papers will be included in the electronic conference proceedings, with
a page limit of 12 pages for research papers and 6 pages for demo
papers. Camera-ready
papers must be formatted according to the templates and samples given
below. These formats use the ACM SIG templates (see They differ from
the standard ACM SIG format in their first-page footer which includes
the CIDR conference reference and the licensing statement. CIDR authors publish their
papers under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License (see
The CIDR electronic proceedings will be made available on the
Computing Research Repository (CoRR, see The
license allows free reproduction and distribution; so this will cover also
later inclusion in the ACM SIGMOD Digital Symposium Collection and
similar non-profit publication venues. By uploading camera-ready papers
with this license, authors give their consent to the above mentioned
reproduction and distribution.
The camera-ready papers must be uploaded to the CMT Web site
The firm deadline for the camera-ready papers is
MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 5:00 PM US Pacific Time.
Sample Word Template
Sample Latex Template
Latex CLS Template